

Episode 106: Managing patients with acute exacerbations of COPD in primary care – the Australian perspective

In this episode, we talk to Dr Bianca Perera, a GP in Tasmania who is undertaking a PhD at Monash University.

Title of paper: General practice management of COPD patients following acute exacerbations: a qualitative study

Available at:

The period immediately following an acute exacerbation of COPD is a high-risk period for recurrence and a critical time to intervene. Hospital-initiated, guideline-based care bundles have been previously proposed to optimise post-exacerbation care and reduce readmission, however convincing evidence of effectiveness has been lacking. As post-exacerbation care is mainly delivered by GPs in Australia, this study describes detailed insights from their perspectives regarding factors affecting the provision of evidence-based care in the period following hospital discharge. The findings highlight factors that should be addressed to enhance care of COPD patients to prevent future exacerbations and hospital readmissions.

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