
GPs at the Deep End: International Bulletin No. 1

From its beginnings in Scotland, the Deep End movement of general practitioners serving deprived communities has spread to similar projects in Ireland, Yorkshire/Humber, Greater Manchester and Canberra, Australia. To share their local experiences, views, activities and plans, an international bulletin has been produced with reports from each of the 5 projects. A second bulletin is planned for dissemination in December 2019.

In 2011 the BJGP published a 12 article series on the work of the Deep End. You can read Professor Graham Watt’s Reflections at the Deep End and find links to all the articles.

The work of the Deep End carries on and the BJGP covered the recent Deep End conference in Glasgow celebrating the life and work of Julian Tudor Hart.

General Practitioners at the Deep End: International Bulletin No. 1

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Euan Lawson
5 years ago


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