

Episode 169 – Exploring the 4DSQ as a tool to help patients and clinicians in mental health consultations

In this episode, we talk to Dr Adam Geraghty, Associate Professor of Psychology and Behavioural Medicine within the School of Primary Care, Population Sciences and Medical Education at the University of Southampton.

Title of paper: Distinguishing emotional distress from mental disorder: A qualitative exploration of the Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ)

Available at:

A range of different approaches have been suggested to support primary care clinicians in the identification and management of mental health problems, from brief depression questionnaires, to approaches focusing on shared understanding within consultations. The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) is a questionnaire developed in primary care that can support this process by distinguishing general distress from depressive or anxiety disorder. In this study we show that people recruited from primary care and community settings find completing a multidimensional questionnaire acceptable and find the splitting of general (potentially severe) distress from depression and anxiety helpful. Use of the 4DSQ may support collaborative diagnostic conversations as part of primary care consultations.

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