

Episode 180: Early intervention in psychosis and overcoming the lost connection in general practice

In this episode, we talk to Dr Michelle Rickett, a Research Associate on the NIHR funded EXTEND study based at the School of Medicine at Keele University.

Title of paper: Collaboration across the primary/specialist interface in early intervention in psychosis services: a qualitative study

Available at:

Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) service users may be referred from, and discharged back to, primary care. There is limited research on patient and carer experience of discharge to primary care from EIP services and little guidance around planning and implementation of discharge. This paper explores experiences of EIP care and discharge from the perspectives of service users, carers and healthcare professionals in EIP services and primary care. It explores the patient journey through EIP services, highlights the lost connection with primary care, and makes recommendations for more collaboration between primary and specialist care, particularly around physical health monitoring and management, which might improve patient experience and outcome.

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