
The BJGP Blog

IMG-low resEuan Lawson (@euan_lawson) is the Deputy Editor, BJGP.

Welcome to the BJGP Blog.

The aim, as the tagline suggests, is to bring opinion to all facets of general practice and primary care. The BJGP is an academic journal; we publish research papers and we hope they influence policy and care. The BJGP Blog is something we want to do to add value to our output. There are dozens of potential ways journals may have influence: via the patient and the clinician as they come to decisions about the best care for that individual; commissioners facing choices about the future services in their locality; educators finessing the message for their learners; academics teasing out the nuances of research findings; and the list goes on.

Clinical topics, academic debates, policy and news, education, popular culture… we want to peer into all the nook and crannies at the BJGP Blog and we look forward to the discussion.

Please get in touch if you’d like to contribute.

Euan is the Editor of the BJGP. You can find more scribblings and links at A full DOI statement is available at

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