This is now the second time Max Phobius has saved the world in time for Christmas. It's all beginning to look a bit unlikely.......
We all know that the world is going to hell in a handcart. But we all know wrong. David Misselbrook reviews Hans Rosling's final book: Factfulness.
Book review: "A young doctor's notebook" by Mikhail Bulgakov brings us back to what it felt like to be a newly qualified doctor with scary responsibilities and inadequate support.
The requirement by the MHRA that there should be a 15 minute wait following covid vaccination has led to a delays in the UK vaccination program. David Misselbrook questions the ethics of this decision.
BJGP Life is now able to reveal how the RCGP foiled a ghastly plot and saved the world in time for Christmas.
Editorial comment - today we publish two articles on current challenges in palliative care and possible ways forward. Compare and contrast!
BJGP Life is our coffee room – a place for news, chat, exchange of ideas and sometimes for challenging discussion. Why not have your say? Please contribute to the discussion by adding your comments in the “leave a reply” box at the
Bahrain is a sparkling jewel of an island, much less bling than Dubai, much more laid back and tolerant than many places in this region. Bahrain is coping remarkably well with Covid. But the two big challenges are the 2,000 Bahrainis returning
David Misselbrook was a South London GP for 30 years. He was involved with GP training, CPD development and medical ethics. He now teaches Family Medicine and ethics for RCSI Bahrain. According to House, “patients lie”. Well, I guess most humans lie.
David Misselbrook was a South London GP for 30 years. He was involved with GP training, CPD development and medical ethics. He now teaches Family Medicine and ethics for RCSI Bahrain. Sometimes we find ourselves in South West France when the Tour
I have just come back from the centre of the world. Not the centre of the earth of course. No, in ancient times the centre of the world was reckoned to be Delphi. This claim was evidence based. If we do not
Bahrain has sometimes been called a string of shopping malls calling itself a country. This is quite a blinkered view. Bahrain is in fact a string of shopping malls and restaurants calling itself a country. Does it matter if we don’t eat
Summer in the Gulf gets quite warm. “Trailing spouses” (yes, that is the official visa term from the Ministry of Labour) tend to migrate north for the summer. Those of us working have to dash from one air conditioned environment to another.
Bahrainis are migratory, especially during the annual Ashoora holiday. Ex-pats and locals alike flee the country, squeezing through Bahrain’s easygoing airport like a cork from champagne. Cyprus is beguilingly close, so there we landed for a couple of days R and R.
Living in a different culture is exciting and fascinating. But living in Bahrain we do miss “culture” in its other sense. There is a magnificent National Theatre, usually empty, putting on just a few touring shows a year. The nearest opera house
I admit that Slazenger’s cat is a red herring, but my wife was in a rail carriage a while ago, close to a small group of friends in earnest discussion. One was trying to refer to the paradox of Schrödinger’s cat, but
The island Kingdom of Bahrain, sits like a hotter, sandier version of the Isle of Wight in the sparkling blue waters of the Arabian Gulf. It is joined to the Saudi mainland by a 25 kilometer causeway. There is a certain soap
Here at RCSI Bahrain our students wear blue scrubs to hospital attachments, but it’s a long time since I have been in scrubs. With some trepidation I had agreed to take four final year RCSI students to work for a fortnight in
We were in Athens with a couple of hours to kill. Acropolised out, too early for Ouzo. We had seen Socrates’ jail cell (almost certainly apocryphal). We had seen the remains of Aristotle’s Lyceum, lovingly excavated. We had felt the weight of