In this episode, we discuss early intervention in psychosis services and primary care.
Professor Sir Michael Marmot talks about Julian Tudor Hart and the role of GPs "natural allies" in his work to tackle social determinants of health.
Dr Claire Friedemann Smith talks about a qualitative study that explores how GPs use gut feelings to help them navigate grey areas in diagnosis.
Drs Laura Swaithes and Andrew Finney talk about group consultations and the experience of delivering them in general practice.
We talk to GP, Dr Emily Donovan, about new research into the experience of domestic abuse by female doctors.
Professor Jane Gunn discusses research into a self-administered tool for depression. This RCT showed that 'Target-D', a person-centred clinical prediction tool and e-health platform matching management options to prognosis, results in greater improvement in depressive symptoms at 3 months than usual care.
Professor Jane Gunn talks about a randomised controlled trial, Target-D, that aims to match the best treatment to people with depression.
Garth Funston talks about the role of chest X-ray in early lung cancer diagnosis and new research highlighting a potential source of delay of diagnosis.
Dr Garth Funston talks about new research investigating how quickly people with symptomatic lung cancer had a pre-diagnostic chest X-ray.
Daniela Strelchuk and Prof Stan Zammit talk about their paper that explores the experiences of GPs in identifying patients at risk of psychosis.
Prof Stan Zammit and Daniela Strelchuk talk about people at risk of developing psychosis.
Prof Trish Greenhalgh and Gilly Mroz discuss findings from their study looking at how the media have portrayed remote consulting in different phases of the pandemic.
Professor Trish Greenhalgh and Dr Gilly Mroz talk about a new paper that examines the media depiction of remote consulting during the pandemic.
Dr Tom Margham talks to us about quality improvement approaches to tackle DNAs - it's more about the system than the patient.
Dr Sarah Bailey takes us through important new evidence around the implications of thrombocytosis in our patients.
We talks about attitudes and understanding of COVID testing; point-of-care testing; recent research in this area; and the use of CRP and how it fits into clinical care.
Dr Bethany Bareham talks about managing older people’s perceptions of alcohol-related risk.
Dr Daniel Stow talks about research into end-of-life recognition in older people.
Dr Sian Russell talks about research into the use of NEWS in care homes.
Professor Simon de Lusignan talks about the factors found to be associated with excess mortality in England in this large study.
In this episode Dr Elizabeth Lovegrove talks about research into ACE inhibitors and ARBs and the risk they pose in pregnancy.
Health care has seen a seismic shift to the utilisation of telehealth. Through the use of this technology many practices have seen a significant reduction in home visits, an acceleration of existing trends. However, at the boundaries of such acceleration we find
In this episode, we talk about research that explores the perspectives of GPs and considers how we can help women and girls who are at risk or have experienced female genital mutilation.
In this episode we talk to Professor Samuel Wong about his research into COVID-19 and its impact on loneliness and mental health in a cohort of older adults in Hong Kong.
Dr Mairead Murphy and Prof Chris Salisbury talk about continuity of care. It is already known that relational continuity of care (seeing the same GP over time) is valued by patients with long-term conditions. This qualitative study identifies that patients believe that
Professor Jeannie Haggerty and Professor Richard Baker talk about their systematic review considering continuity and patient mortality. Their study confirms the 2018 findings of an association in the context of primary medical care, but also shows that it is variable.
Sally Hull discusses new research published in BJGP. E London GPs were incredibly busy seeing COVID in the early stages of the pandemic, even though this work was missing in the national narrative, and she explains their findings related to ethnicity.
Aarti Bansal is a GP in Sheffield and the founder of Greener Practice. She talks about greener lower carbon prescribing, reducing waste, and improving clinical outcomes. She also considers how we can reduce travel for patients and other practical actions practices can
Claire Friedemann Smith explains the findings of a systematic review that suggests GPs' gut feelings may have a role in cancer diagnosis. The studies, which used varied conceptualisations of 'gut feelings', showed associations with patients initially being unwell rather than with a
Carter Singh is a full time GP partner at Willowbrook Medical Practice, Nottinghamshire. An 'expert-by-lived-experience' in racial inequality, it is this passion that motivates him to challenge discrimination, inequality, and marginalisation in the NHS.
Dr Tony Williams is a consultant occupational physician and discusses their evidence-based tool that helps patients understand their risk and vulnerability. GPs can use it in the consultation to calculate a "Covid-age".
Professor Donald Li talks us through some of the reasons, detailed in his editorial, co-authored with Chak-sing Lau, for the relative success of Asian countries in managing COVID-19.
Professor Azeem Majeed from Imperial College in London talks through the current situation. New infections are much reduced and he discusses the track and trace programme that is now working, though not as well as we might like. Everyday practice is not
Professor Michael Kidd is a GP and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Australia. He talks through five principles for dealing with the COVID-19 crisis and pandemic preparedness.
Dr Chanpreet Arhi tells us about research in over 7000 patients that shows delays in referral, including for red flag symptoms, resulted in an increase in all-cause mortality.
We talk to Dr Zudin Puthucheary, an ITU specialist, and Dr Eve Corner, a physiotherapist about the challenges faced by patients who get discharged from ITU.
Prof Bill Phillips discusses the two crises in USA, COVID-19 and racism, and the role of family doctors. In Seattle, around 7000 doctors and nurses demonstrated peacefully as part of the White Coats for Black Lives movement.
Professor Felicity Goodyear-Smith outlines how New Zealand have done so well. They are a small isolated island nation and didn't leave it another week. A lot of testing seems to be key. Like everywhere, there were challenges in general practice with dramatic
Hassan Awan is a GP in Manchester and talks about how we can better manage South Asian people with long term conditions and mental health problems. COVID has laid bare inequalities and he talks more about the importance of cultural competencies with
Dr Brendan Crosbie talks about his real time data workload survey in Ireland. He found that GPs worked 9.9 hours per day on average and one-third of that time is on non-clinical work. One in 10 GPs work until after 10pm in
Catherine Himsworth discusses the findings of her research in people who are homeless. The trimorbidity of homelessness – chronic disease, mental health problems, and substance misuse –increased fourfold the risk of unplanned hospital admissions.