We're taking a break over Christmas - have a great holiday!
Dr Komal Chadha talks through her experience as a salaried GP in London as the daily work of general practice dramatically alters.
Azeem Majeed is Professor of Primary Care and Head of the Department of Primary Care & Public Health at Imperial College London and he is a world-leading primary care epidemiologist. In this short video he talks about the impact of COVID-19 generally
Professor Martin Marshall, Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners and Dr Steve Mowle, RCGP Honorary Treasurer, talk about COVID-19 and personal protective equipment.
Professor Martin Marshall, Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners and Dr Steve Mowle, RCGP Honorary Treasurer, talk about COVID-19 and the challenge ahead. "We do have to remember though, this is the biggest crisis that we have probably ever had
he British Journal of General Practice is a leading international primary care journal, publishing high-quality research with clinical impact worldwide. Here we highlight some recent papers and their clinical impact. 1. Detecting multiple myeloma Koshiaris et al. Universities of Oxford and Exeter,
The British Journal of General Practice publishes high-quality research and has the highest impact factor of all primary care journals worldwide, reaching 4.43 for 2018; additional journal metrics are the 5-year impact factor 4.187, Immediacy Index 1.380, Eigenfactor 0.00937, and Article Influence