We value patient autonomy, but how free are we, how free are our patients? Will Mackintosh considers how constraints on freedom contribute to health inequalities.
The climate and ecological emergency is nothing less than the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. With the meat industry being the world's largest producer of greenhouse gases could the best option to save our planet be the mass transition to a
The intense pressure GPs are constantly facing can at times feel like a landslide ready to take us under. Awais Ahmad reviews "The Doctor Will See You Now", which lifts the lid on it all.
The pandemic has given us all a taste of what socially isolated and lonely patients must experience year-in-year-out. Paul Beaney and Ruth Chambers describe a pilot project to see if Alexa Echo Show smart speakers could provide companionship for the lonely.
Giles Hazan reflects on his experience of high dose opiates following surgery.
The development of multi-disciplinary teams working as part of the primary care team alongside GPs in Northern Ireland is both new and untested anywhere else in the UK. Peter McNelly tells us about Northern Ireland's experience.
Professor Helen Snooks tells us about a study exploring why a risk prediction tool (PRISM) in general practice actually increased emergency and hospital admissions and we discuss the importance of evaluating interventions before they are introduced as policy.
Why does France seem to be so much better at protecting its population than the UK? Peter Toon reflects on his experience, and advises the Government to put some cheese as well as eggs in its basket.
Could the mistreatment of women by men be linked to how these men behaved towards other boys when they were youngsters themselves? Arthur Kaufman, a clinical psychologist, considers this hypothesis.
Rebecca Mawson reviews Unwell Women by Elinor Cleghorn. Her verdict - it is worth a read for anyone who lives as a woman, lives with a woman, or lives a life where they look after women!
Hybrid conferences offer a reduction in environmental impact, allow those who cannot attend in person to attend virtually, and look more likely to be the dominant form of future conferences worldwide. Fraser Birrell, Terry Kemple, and Rob J Lawson review the effectiveness
Cutting the doctor out of the diagnostic loop is often not such a good idea. Chris Ellis reminds us of some basic truths......
Dr Lucy Martin tells us about her research into mid-career resilience. Resilience is often discussed and, as a concept, it is not generally well understood but with GPs under severe pressure it is now more important than ever for us to explore
What can a doctor offer to a patient who has lost three first degree relatives within three weeks? Sajitha Rahman reflects on the role of doctor as witness, in the midst of grief.
Amar Rughani reflects on the opportunities offered by retirement. A lifetime of service to the community has shaped who we are, so this is an opportunity to embrace that. The life to come could be the best yet.
Case presentations based on a problem-oriented system can function as a medium through which medical students gain a disease-focused viewpoint. Koki Kato and Junichiro Miyachi suggest that to change our viewpoint we should change our language.
Whilst COP26 storms above our heads, all we can do is buy electric and put out the recycling - right? No! Shireen Kassam and Laura Freeman give us compelling evidence of a win-win for ourselves and the planet.
Zakariya Goga reminds us that our legacy, wherever we work is woven in the fabric of our community and will be palpable for generations to come. So do not validate yourself by external references. Validate yourself from within.
Dr Patrick Highton talks us through a RCT that promoted physical activity in people with multimorbidity. Unfortunately, no benefit was seen and we discuss the challenges of trials and future avenues to explore.
General practice is full of unsung heroes. John Launer tells us about Dilys Daws and reviews two of her books, which may be of great help to many parents.
Two years ago we did not know that we would all be caring for patients with long covid. Feryad Hussain surveys the current evidence.
Do you feel confident in meeting the needs of Afghan asylum seekers and refugees? The issues are not new. Emily Clark and Rebecca Farrington give us some valuable guidance.
We have all had the fear that that a child we had seen with a minor flu-like illness at 4pm might be terminally ill with meningococcal septicaemia before the day was over. Hugh Bethell reviews a book by Oxford Professor of Paediatrics
Rubia Usman is a female GP from an ethnic minority. Her message is simple: "If you work hard and you are a woman you have the power. More power to you. This is (y)our time!"
Irresponsible journalism creates a false narrative with the public. We are seeing patients! Kasun Theivendran questions whether we need to introduce a “how to deal with unfair blame” module into the GP curriculum.
Today’s younger generation enjoy Harry Potter and Roald Dahl’s books. John Brooks takes us back to the days of John Buchan’s spy adventures, and tells us a little of Buchan's remarkable life and medical history.
Social media uses "persuasive technology" that has real effects on mental health and social wellbeing. Richard Armitage calls us to identify this as an urgent public health problem
A significant percentage of GP2GP transfers are not being successfully completed. Nigel Masters explains that a failure to get this right soon will see significant degradation of primary care medical notes.
What can we do about Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy? James Bailey and his colleagues report on the outcome of their initiative in an East London Practice.
Dr Alex Walker talks us through the OpenSAFELY analysis of 58 millions records exploring the coding of long Covid.
Under the Additional Roles Reimbursement scheme, 26 000 roles are being funded to create bespoke multidisciplinary teams in primary care. But is there a risk that these new roles will only exasperate those for whom they were set to rescue?
Nobody wants to be greeted or processed in an uncaring and clinical manner. Sue Thurlow suggests that our motto should be "Compassion First", not "Digital First".
Shame, a near-universal accompaniment of human compromise, often generates major distress, yet rarely finds direct language. How, then, do doctors – now so often seen as ‘fixers’ – deal with such an elusive problem? Read David Zigmond's latest masterclass.
The Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is not a medical assessment, an incorrect assumption often claimed by politicians. Mo Stewart discusses the negative and sometimes catastrophic consequences for the disabled.
Longitudinal continuity with a named GP can reduce hospital admissions and deaths and is 'dose-dependent'.
Has a reduction in face to face appointments meant a change of vision for UK General Practice? Richard Pratt argues that our vision is unchanged, it is our methods that have had to change.
This study examined whether GP continuity of care matters and 4.5 million Norwegian patients and their named GPs were included. There is a strong association between continuity and patient outcomes including hospitalisations and mortality.
General practice is ideally placed to introduce changes to become more environmentally sustainable. Dr Vasumathy Sivarajasingam shows, with primary and secondary research, that increased awareness of inhaler recycling among patients and better signposting from primary care staff may be sorely needed.
Being a GP is a great vocation. But what if we have two vocations that may conflict? Anupma Parihar reflects on juggling her work and family commitments.
The immune-system is complex and is interconnected with the central nervous and endocrine systems. Regina Ford discusses a wide range of scientific research that looks at diet, supplements, exercise, sleep quality and stress/mental health, to give us a holistic overview of health